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Meet the Crew
It’s kinda hard to believe when you first meet him, but this goofball actually has his shit together. Thomas is the co-founder of Do the North, and a very experienced kayaking guide and Nordic skiing guide. His disarming humor (often at Rob’s expense) makes everyone feel at ease from the go, and his laid-back guiding style can make you wonder if he’s doing anything at all. But everyone seems to love it!
Renaissance man who can’t just carve a spoon smoother than a baby’s bottom, he’s also an accomplished kayaking guide, Nordic skiing guide, photographer, videographer, and chef. His guiding style is warm, calm and very hands-on (to the degree that we put him in handcuffs when training the crew in outdoor cooking). Still as British as if he was fresh off the boat, our funny and overly polite rock has been with us for years.
She’s the first one to poke fun at stereotypes of her heritage: ”Omg, that’s so nice. If I wasn’t so German, I would almost cry”. Katha’s sarcastic humor and zest for life coupled with her stoic nature make her that unflappable kayaking guide. Calmly and effortlessly on top of it all, yet a hoot to be around. Her remarkable resilience and roaring gusto have bagged her the position as Rob and Thomas’ skiing guide protégé this winter!
As tough and resilient as a birch whip in a hot sauna. Serious when need be (he’s a Finn after all), yet always smiling and laughing. Andreas is an excellent ski touring guide – equal parts super reliable rock and gentle compadre. In the summer, he works for the kayak rental crew over at Mon with his bro – rocking their signature tight blue tank tops. That’s how we first met him. But in the winter, he sheds the blues and goes all in on the Do the North vibe.
The special guest guide for our all-women kayaking tours, and certainly an honorary crew member. Her ability to connect on a deeper level beats any of the other clowns in our employ. Introspection, spiritual proclivities, living exactly what she softly preaches – it borders on the uncomfortable. We jest of course. Linda’s all-encompassing compassion, conviction, and entrepreneurial skills are a true marvel to behold.
Our maestro of packing, who’s more organised than a Swiss Army knife and faster than her own shadow. Dubbed the comeback queen, Dana’s quick wit is unmatched. In a sea of emotionally guarded and evasive Northern Europeans, this Kiwi’s warmth and passionate nature brings the best out of everyone. You may not meet her, but her joyful, fun-loving spirit has most definitely rubbed off on everyone you do meet.
To say that he has an understated charm is an understatement. It’s impossible not to love this funny and considerate pack of muscles from Newcastle. A skilled kayaking and dogsledding guide, and perhaps the most easy-going adventurer you’ll ever meet. This self-appointed preacher of hammock praise has spread the gospel of sleeping while hanging among the entire crew. Even the last holdout, Rob, finally converted this year.
The puppet master maneuvering all the strings in the intricate dance of logistics that is Do the North. Without whom the crew would be wandering around aimlessly like lost sheep (oh yeah…she also writes all our copy). Drawing from her past as a chef and her hedonistic tendencies, she’s the creator and guide of our culinary adventures. Helena is also one half of the power duo who founded the company.